Clan Generation |
Name (First/Middle/Last) |
Birthday Location M. Name |
Marrage Location Spouse |
Death Location Comment |
Fur 1 |
Chojuro Furutani |
July 20 1886 Japan Furutani |
Feb 13 1914 Japan Hanayo |
Mar 1965 Winnipeg, MB Can Prostate |
Canadian marriage registration date Apr 17 1914. but married in Japan Feb 13,1914 |
Fur 1 |
Hanayo Kanai | Nov 10 1896 Japan Furutani | Feb 13 1914 Japan Chojuro | Jan. 1973 Winnipeg, MB Heart Attack |
Stain on left cheek, not a birthmark. |
Chojuro |
1907 |
Went to Hawaii for 6 months then to Canada. Worked in and around Vancouver BC. Mostly as a fisherman and at a sawmill. |
1913 | Return to Japan to marry | |
1914 | Married Hanayo Feb 13th. | |
1914 | Back to Vancouver area in Canada | |
1921 | Bought a 10 acre farm in Strawberry Hill BC. (Delta BC) | |
1942 |
Wartime relocation to a sugar beet farm in Lorette MB. with all children 16 yrs and older. Hanayo and children under 16 yrs. Were interned at Tashme BC, now called Sunshine Valley which is ~14 miles from Hope BC on the Princeton Hwy. |
1944 | Hanayo and children joined rest of the family at Lotette MB. | |
1947 | Bought a 68 acre farm in Charieswood, MB. | |
1960 | Moved to 95 Academy Rd. Winnipeg, MB. | |
1965 | Chojuro Passed away | |
1973 | Hanayo continued to reside at 95 Academy Rd. in Winnipeg until she died. |