okikamuro island fan club, 沖家室島ファンクラブ|Kamuro party かむろ会

Shizuo Niiyama

Shizuo Niiyama

Hakuseiji Chief priest

To be The Key to the link

From Hakuseiji temple

To be The Key to the link                     2011/07/29

This "Kamuro party" homepage is newly established by help of Tokyo Kamuro party president Masatomo Yagi. And it is welcomed and delighted from the heart.
At present Kamuro party is consist of 4 parties which are Tokyo, Kansai, Hirosima, Ube in Japan. Ube Kamuro party stopped meeting for several years, however other Kamuro parties keep coninue their meetings every year.
People who share Okikamuro as home town and supporters for Okikamuro get together and exchange informations and friendship at annual meeting.
There is Kamuro party in Hawaii. Hawaii Kamuro Party's president Takami Aoki passed away two years ago and this year they informed to me to discontinue Hawaii Kamuro party. It is regrettable for me that Hawaii kamuro paty is discontinued.
  Next year I will visit Aoki's grave site in Hawaii and try to listen about Hawaii's situation and ask the members about restarting Hawaii Kamuro party.
In past Okikamuro island was so called 'thouthand houses in Kamuro('Kamuro Sengen')' and population at that time was close to 4000. And Population density was No.1 in Japan at Meiji age(1880's).
Explording energy of Kamuro people obviously went towards outside of Okikamuro. And it is natural that over flowed people in Kamuro went out to overseas.
This fact is recorded in journal called 'Kamuro' which had been published during year Taisho 3rd to Showa 15th (1914 thru 1942). The journal 'Kamuro' was pulished totally 158 issues during 27 years.
Journal 'Kamuro' tells us the trail of many Kamuro people who took action prior to a time and took active participation to all over the country and oversea. 'Kamuro Party' in many places outside of Kamuro is also part of this active trend.
In past, not only Hawaii, 'Kamuro party' had been existed in Taiwan, Korea, Manchuria(nothern part in Chaina). And kamuro people made communications and exchanged friendship very actively by publishing Journal 'Kamuro'.
At present modern age is the age when local community is destoried and 'muen'(unknown death) society is getting to real and home town is lost.
I wish 'Kamuro party' become a place where many people can feel relief and communicate each other. And I wish 'Kamuro party' become the key to the link for the people.

  I will report many event and news in Hakuseiji and Okikamuro island to inform you all.  
(Hakuseiji chief priest Sizuo Niiyama)

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