To: Mr.Masahito Yamada
I'm grad to see you and your wife at Hiroshima Kamuro Party. Soon, I am impressed by your message 'Kamuro Party' on and felt you must be son of Nagamasa.
My mother came from Yamada family and I heard lot about your fathers since his child age. your father's first and last name are exactly same as historical hero's name. sorry, story is sidetraked.
Kumejiro is in Yamada family not in Kimura family.
We also visited Hawaii two times in past. In Hawaii, also generation chenged
to newer generation and so lots of conversation are about their roots.
At that time, I couldn't tell their roots immidately. I felt frustrated.
Mr. Takami Aoki asked me 'I like to find my roots' at that time. He passed away soon after that. I feel regret. His relative Mr.Kimura contacted me. I'm planing to bring his family tree near future.
my cousins are living in Maui island. My anti talked about memories of Okikamuro's life in Meiji and Taisho age thru night. I felt I'm going to cry almost. I wish to visit Lahina once again.
I like to stop my story here today. the story continues longer and longer. I hope you all well and
like see you soon.
(please post your massge to kamuro party post mail address mail address
SANSEI Corp. Masahito Yamada received 2014/07/23