okikamuro island fan club, 沖家室島ファンクラブ|Kamuro party かむろ会



Masato Katsuyama


About Suzaki Kannon-do Hall

Who is Kanzaemon-I Ishizaki? (Vol. 1)

Ishizaki Family, the origin of Okikamuro Tomozawa Family

Where is the place of origin of the family name Tomozawa?

Hikoshichi IV, one of the founders of fish preserves (Vol. 2)

Hikoshichi IV, one of the founders of fish preserves

Yosobei Tomozawa, a master carpenter in Tononyu

So-etsu II Aoki, a key person for the Okikamuro Tomozawa Family

The personal history of So-etsu II Aoki and his aspiration to be a medical doctor

Close relationship between Okikamuro Tomozawa Family and Agenosho Aoki Familyo

Agenosho medical doctor Aoki Family, the origin of the wife of Hikoshichi VIII, Moto

Shoya from Tomozawa Family

Kyuhachi Ninomiya and the fishery in Okikamuro in early Meiji period

My great grandfather Isuke and his real father Heihachi

I found the name of my great grandfather on Bocho (Yamaguchi) Who’s Who

About Okikamuro Tomozawa family(Part6)

About Okikamuro Tomozawa family(Part5)

About Okikamuro Tomozawa family(Part4)

About Okikamuro Tomozawa family(Part3)

About Okikamuro Tomozawa family(Part2)

About Okikamuro Tomozawa family(Part1)

Okikamuro island, roots

Yosobei Tomozawa, a master carpenter in Tononyu

Masato Katsuyama    received Feb. 3rd, 2019


 As reported previously, there is a description about Yosobei Tomozawa, an official carpenter of Iyo-Matsuyama clan who emigrated from Okikamuro to Tononyu, in Towa Town History Book. I found another description about his live era.

 In “Towa-Town History Book; Shrines and temples cultural assets in Towa-Town”, a cultural asset of Jo-nenji temple in Tononyu, “a drawing by Yosobei Tomozawa, a master carpenter, Tempo 13th (1842)” is introduced. The relation between he and Iyo-Matsuyama clan is still uncertain.


 The name “Yosobei” seems to mean a younger brother or son of “Sobei”. Although it is not decisive because of the lack of information about his age at 1842, he might have been a younger brother or son of Sobei (1771-1805, a younger brother of Hikoshichi VI), the 3rd generation head of the branch family of Okikamuro Tomozawa Family. In other words, he seems to have been a son of Hikoshichi V ( -1785) and the youngest brother of Hikoshichi VI ( -1831) and Sobei, or a son of Sobei and a younger brother of Sahei (1803-1864). Considering that he was a master carpenter and dedicated a drawing to the temple, he was a person of advanced age at that time. Thus, I think Yosobei was the youngest brother of Hikoshichi VI.

 According to Towa Town History Book, the family name Tomozawa is found among supporters of Saikoji temple, Tononyu, which was begun to be used since Ansei 3rd (1856). They might be descendants of Yosobei.

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