okikamuro island fan club, 沖家室島ファンクラブ|Kamuro party かむろ会


marion carmona 

Marion Carmona

Houston Texas USA

My Family history

Okikamuro island, roots

My Family history

                                 Marion Midori Carmona    received April, 28th 2012

  Chojuro Furutani was born in OkiKamuro, Yamaguchiken, Japan on July 20,1886. He married Hanayo (Kanai) in 1914 and came to Canada in the same year.

yagi in canada 

They had 11 children, of which my mother Tamaye (Furutani) was one. Today only the eldest Shizuko Kawata (residing in Winnipeg, Canada), and the 2 Youngest Yutaka Donald Furutani (also in Winnipeg, Canada), and Tokiko Clara Mar (now in San Francisco, California) are still living.

Okikamuro island Hakuseiji bell

My father, Mitsuo Yagi also from OkiKamuro was the second son of Torasuke and Yoshi. He came to Canada as a young boy and stayed with his grandparents Matsummoto Toku (Yagi Toku married to Matsumoto after her husband Yagi Kanekichi passed away by tuberculosis).

Okikamuro island Kannon-dou

Toku Who eventually returned to Japan in 1941. They were given a choice of internment in the interior of Canada or return to Japan. Mitsuo Yagi and Tamaye Furutani were married in Vancouver on Nov. 5 1938, and had 5 children, Marion Midori, Jean Reiko, Maxine Misao, Bryan Toru and Linda Yoko. (picture on top, right to left)

Okikamuro Hakuseiji priest

All are married;
Marion & Robert Carmona (with 2 children Dion & Seijii Lara Tamaye),
Jean & Bryan Matsuda (with 2 children Corine & Mie),
Maxine & [Jean-Paul Jego divorced] (with 2 children Eric & Miyouki),
Bryan Yagi & Lisa (with 2 children Jane & Noah)
and Linda & Larry Funk (with 2 children Nathan & Tyler).

Okikamuro Yagi's house

All of the children except Jean & Bryan have visited OkiKamuro and met the wonderful Buddist Monk and his family among many of the other residents of Kamuro who treated us so gloriously. My parents, Tamaye and Mitsuo Yagi, my husband, Dr. Robert Carmona, I and our 2 children have all been there with many incredible memories.

about Kamuro party  information