The other day, thanks to the kindness of the head priest of Hakuseiji Temple, I was able to see the temple's family crest book.
Needless to say, Okiyamuro island ended its role as a pirate island and became deserted due to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's "Piracy Prohibition Order" during the Sengoku period. However, the island was later reopened when the former Iyo Kono clan vassals, including the Ishizaki and Yanagiwara clans, moved from Iyo Gogo island to the island.
Many of them are thought to be former Iyo samurai, but looking at the history of the family crest book, it is clear that the family crest inherited by the Iyo samurai was the original Yanagihara family of Okikamuro, which inherited the "Oshiki-chijimi sanmoji" crest. The Yanagihara family also changed their crest over time due to the proliferation of branch families. The same thing happened to other families with the same family name. Also, families who started businesses changed their crest into "yagomon," or trademarks.
I was surprised to find that the family crest of the Ishizaki family, the origin of the island, was not of the Kono family but of the Ashikaga family. I had imagined it to be the "Oshiki chijimi sanmonji mon", but since it was the "Maru ni Nihiki mon" (two lines crest in a circle) of the Ashikaga family, I don't think it was a branch of the Kono family. Other families that have inherited the "Kikko ni sanmonji mon", which is reminiscent of a branch of the Kono family, and the "Sangaimatsu mon", which is considered to be a separate crest of the Kono family, are thought to be branches of the Iyo Kono family.
I think it would be fine to post visually, but that takes time, so please explore each one individually.
Below is a copy of the family crests of each family of the parishioners of Hakuseiji Temple in Okikamaro island, Towa-cho, Oshima-gun, Yamaguchi Prefecture, organized by Gyokuho Kitagawa in April 1968. The actual crests are visual, but I will omit them here.