I'm studying the relationship between Yashiro Island and Iyo, so I'm thinking of gradually uploading it.
By the end of the Edo period, Oshima County (now Suo-Oshima Town), Taira County (now Yanai City), Kaminoseki (now Kaminoseki Town), Tozaki Village, Naruto Village, Jindai Village (formerly Obatake, now Yanai City), Saai Island (now Hirao Town) were the former Oshima. The Mori clan divided this county into two administrative divisions, ‘Oshima Saiban’ and ‘Kamiseki Saiban’, so many people today do not understand the whole of Oshima County.
Tozaki Village was originally part of the Yoshikawa Domain (Iwakuni Domain), but as a gateway to Yashiro Island, it became Oshima County through a land exchange. Therefore, Shoya of Mikama-mura and Komatsu-mura concurrently held the post of Shoya of Iwakuni. At that time, the national defense monk, Gessho, was from Oshima County, but it is a pity that he is now being touted as a person from Yanai.
Kaminoseki-cho was an important port, and during the Edo period, it was famous as a port of call for Sankin Kotai and Korean envoys. Therefore, Murakami Toshoie was the commander-in-chief, and about 3,000 boatmen from Oshima County were mobilized to protect the route to and from the Korean envoys. Not only the honura fishermen of Kuga and Angesho, but also the fishermen of Okikamuro of hashiura were mobilized. and since they were only fed food without pay, they were unable to manage their fishing business as they should. Okikamuro must have been very hungry at this time.
Now, let's talk about Ishizaki family, who started Okikamuro again. Okikamuro was a pirate port at the end of the Sengoku period, but due to Toyotomi Hideyoshi's ban on piracy, the Ouchi pirates fled and the island became an uninhabited island. People who were expelled from Iyo re-enter the island. The representative is said to be Ishizaki family, so I will follow Ishizaki family history. I look forward to any opinion from person in interested.
[Re-Founder of Okikamuro in Yashiro island, Ishizaki family]
Ishizaki family of Okikamuro Island re-foundor has one book as the Iyo-Kono family and another as the Murakami pirate family.
Since Ishizaki family has marital relationship to the Kono family and the Murakami family, they are considered to be the same group.
As a reference genealogy, there is the Nakamura Ishizaki genealogy. According to this, the common name letter is "日"teru. This common letter expression is taken over in 'Yuu Ishizaki Keizu' in final stage, but this common letter is not carried over from the later 'Tomozawa Souemon Sadaaki Family Record'. It’s Mystery.
Setting aside the introduction, I will arrange them in chronological order.
【参考系図】 | |
「中村流石崎系図」 | |
初代) | 中村弾正忠通日(道日) |
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二代目) | 石崎日政 |
↓ | |
三代目) | 石崎日文 |
↓ | |
四代目) | 石崎日方 |
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「北畠顕家流石崎系図」 | |
五代目) | 石崎日久 中村孫四郎日久【伊予温故録】 |
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「石崎総系譜」 | |
六代目) | 石崎四郎尉日宗 明澤城主・石崎四郎三郎日宗【伊予温故禄】 1606年(慶長11)に沖家室島に移住【伊予温故禄】 |
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「油宇石崎系図」 河野殿エ随身日宗家督ス 長男)石崎四郎左衛門尉日為 →興居島石崎家を継ぐ 能嶋殿エ随身後屋代嶋居住 | |
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七代目) | 石崎二郎左衛門尉日行 (~1474・7/8)葬油宇浦浄西寺 文禄3年(1594年)カ 法名・徳孝院浄光日行居士 注)油宇浦浄西寺は明治4年からの名称(元浄土寺)西連寺末 この事により「石崎総系図」は明治四年以降に手が加えられたことになります。 |
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初代勘左衛門顕宗の兄弟・直宗の系統)・・・家紋丸に一文字 石崎直宗(油宇)→【油宇石崎家祖】 | |
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八代目) | 石崎顕宗(沖家室) 沖家室石﨑家・・・家紋丸に方喰 浄土宗久賀村阿弥陀寺檀那 |
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「友澤惣右衛門貞昭家譜録」 | |
九代目) | 石崎宗政 石崎庄太郎・勘左衛門・惟昭 注)萩藩閥閲録は勝太郎・勘左衛門を二代目とする 沖家室石﨑家分家伊勢屋流峠下系・丸に剣菱 初代勘左衛門顕宗の次男・八郎左衛門の系統 弟)石崎八郎左衛門 |
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改石崎称友澤 →以後、「友澤家系図」へ移る。 | |
十代目) 友澤初代) | 石崎(友澤)徳昭・惣兵衛・惣右衛門 (1623~元禄8・1695)12/2 72歳 正保年中始(1644~48)而奉仕秀就公 ★(大幸院)慶誉浄安居士・1695・「過去帳」 室・寛文11年(1678)没・「過去帳」 元和元年(1681年)浮島開発「浮島開発記」 正保二年(1645)毛利秀就より三人扶持支給され 友澤惣右衛門と改称し屋室船究役仰付 貞享二年(1685)水無瀬三町余拝領、ついで 宇賀島、安下庄の三ツ松、明戸池(夫婦池)拝領開作し 検地石盛りの結果三十九石二斗四升となり、元禄5年 (1692)に三人扶持に加給。 |
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沖家室庄屋石﨑家・・・丸に方喰 | |
十代目) | 弟)石崎三郎右衛門政家(沖家室) 三代石崎三郎右衛門【庄屋一覧記録】 沖家室石﨑家分家下松屋流寺之下系 弟)石崎五郎左衛門 二代宗政次男・五郎左衛門の系統)・・・家紋丸に二つ引両 沖家室石﨑家分家下松屋流寺之下系 石崎五郎左衛門 二代宗政次男・五郎左衛門の系統)・・・家紋丸に二つ引両 |
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十一代目) | 石崎勘左衛門政道 【萩藩閥閲録4】提出者 沖家室石﨑家分家分銅屋流 弟)石崎善兵衛 三代勘左衛門政家の四男・善兵衛の系統)・・・家紋丸に剣方喰 |
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十二代目) | 石崎勘左衛門政清 元文2年(1737)12月の庄屋【地下上申】 給小都合庄屋 岡野半左衛門 畔頭 瀬兵衛 友澤四郎左衛門庄屋 権兵衛 (庄屋)年限不明~元文4年迄庄屋 |
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十三代目) | 石崎勘左衛門 六代目勘左衛門・泊清寺七世幡龍と石嵜系譜編纂 【宝暦13年(1763年)】 庄屋)延享4・7月~安永4・9/17迄、 |
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十四代目) | 石崎勝之助 庄屋)安永4・9/18~同8・12/18迄 (庄屋)天明11・12/31~寛政2・1月迄、 |
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十五代目) | 石崎平右衛門(後・勘左衛門) (庄屋)寛政2・1月~文政2・閏4/10迄 (庄屋)文化8年12/2倅富之助代役被仰渡) |
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十六代目) | 石崎(富)留之助 勘左衛門 (庄屋)文政2・閏4/11~同5・12/6迄 (庄屋)文政5・12/7~同7・10/晦日迄 |
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十七代目) | 石崎勘左衛門 勘左衛門 (庄)文政5・12/7~同7・10/晦日 注)十六代と十七代は同一人物か? |
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以下略 |
Genzo Yashiro (Donsyu Imamoto)