Okikamuro island My roots
About Matsujiro Otani
Teruo Shirogane recieved 21 May. 2015
About Matsujiro Otani
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He is the most successful man from Okikamuro throughout domestic and overseas.
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He is First Japanese who got American citizenship and first Japanese who became American conferment person (received Medal=旭日箪光章).
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He is most first person who landed at play grand of Okikamuro elementary school (there are Company housings at present) immediately right after WW2 by Helicopter.
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‘When Okikamuro was moribund state after ww2, tremendous amount of sugar and coffee were sent by Hawaii Kamuro Party. We could sold those presents so that we could survive from hunger and could make junior high school building.’ This is the first speech made by Doctor Yanagihara who visited Hawaii as member of the first Hawaii tour for 100th anniversary ceremony of Japanese immigration at 30 years ago.
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He sent a piano to Okikamuro elementary school at Showa 6th (1931) and also sent a piano to Okikamuro junior high school after the war.
Marie Sanae Otani is granddaughter of Matsujiro. (She is the only one daughter of third son of Matsujiro)
Matsujiro is my wife’s uncle. My wife’s three brother and sisters were able to move to Hawaii and they went to school in Hawaii under support of him. Two of them moved to Mainland. However they passed away recently.
I wrote about Matsujiro Otani because I think now a days only few people knows about those history facts.