It has been the age to question “what is meaning of Eight Samurai”. They had being supporting the last chief priest and the present chief priest of Hakuseiji Temple and sometime become a representative of a small village and sometime become the president or the head of the party, then they made Okikamuro to grow rapidly in compared with other villages. My definition ‘Eight Samurai’ (eight soldiers) are the below. Mr. Toshio Yanagihara Mr. Tomoichi Nishimura Mr. Matuo Hayashi Mr. Yukio Otani Mr. Nagayuki Tsuboi Mr. Chushaku Yamamoto Mr. Iwao Otani Mr. Tadashi Yanagihara At the age from 1955 thru 1965, they named my vacant house as “ Chiisaido Hotel “ (this sound like ‘seaside hotel’ and it means ‘tiny hotel’) and gathered to drink and to discuss each other , so that they were very friendly. I was called from them every time I came back to Okikamuro and enjoyed to drink a lot, but it was happy for me to be able to drink because of a few salary. Since they were living a happy life which any person in other town cannot do, I admired that persons living in Kamuro as rich men. When I rebuilt “ Chiisaido “ , I invited to my open house Oyuki(Yukio Otani), Nishitomo(Tomoichi Nishimura) , Tsuboi and the wifes of other member who passed away. “Eight Samurai “ was sculptured on the helm which was putted on the wall to memory the achievement of a benefactor for a long time.