In 2023, this year's Tokyo Kamuro Party has been held as the 70th time. To commemorate this occasion, we have decided to publish a memorial book of Tokyo Kamuro Party. We are planning to publish it in time for next year's Tokyo Kamuro Party annual meeting. We would like as many people as possible to post their episodes and stories related to Okikamuro Island.
Eligibility for posting: Those who have attended Kamuro-kai. (Tokyo, Kansai, Hiroshima, Hawaii Kamurokai)
Theme: Episodes, stories, essays, etc. related to Okikamuro Island.
Number of characters in the manuscript: Please aim for a maximum of 3000 Japanese characters. Either English or Japanese is acceptable.
Deadline: End of January 2024
Manuscript format: Word file, text file, etc. files that can be sent by email. If it is a paper manuscript, please contact the contact information on the Kamuro-Party homepage.
If you have any questions, please email us at, the contact information on the Kamuro-Party homepage.
Chairman of Tokyo Kamuro-Party Masatomo Yagi