okikamuro island fan club, 沖家室島ファンクラブ|Kamuro party かむろ会

Masahito Yamada

Masahiot Yamada

SANSEI Corp. president


impression of Hawaii tour

Masahito Yamada   recieved Mar. 15,2015

Good evening, this is Yamada Hiroshima Kamuro Party.
Two weeks has benn passed after retruning from Hawaii tour.
Hello everyone, Chief priest Niiyama, president of Tokyo Kamuro party Yagi and all members of Kamuro party who joined this tour with me, reporter of Asashi newspaper Ogawa and prof. of Tenri university Yasui and president of Iwakuni skytours Kameoka.
I still have jet lag problem because I came back to Japan several days later than you. I like warm weather and I feel like to visit Hawaii again right now.
This time, Hawaii Kamuro Party restarted and I wish Hawaii Kamuro party keeps it's activities in next year and a year next year and forever. I like to help it's activities as much as possible even thought my capacity is limited.
And also I think Tokyo, Osaka and other Kamuro Party are going to have annual meeting schedule this year. Please invite me if it's Ok. I like to join annual meeting. please send invitaitons to me. I'm watiting them.
I'm looking foward to see you all again soon.
Msahito Yamada

response messaages

To: Mr. yamada
Thank you for your message to okikamuro.com. I'm still working for making web pages for all pictures of Hawaii tour. I like to upload this messge too.
I think this Hawaii tour is very successful because Hawaii Kamuro party restarted and it made more intimate relation between members.
I first knew the detail of that the anscestor of Okikamuro Mr. Matsujiro Otani started fishing industry first in Hawaii and became very successfull business man. These facts stimulate me and I felt that we can be active like ancsestors.
Tokyo Kamuro Party's annual meeting is scheduled at June 7th this year. Surely please join our meeting. I'll send invitation to you soon.
Masatomo Yagi Kamuro Party.

about Kamuro party information